google-site-verification=mo4F3hR1iaA_l3FM-nz9FyxTP0HrJiYMu1wuPRTa2W4 Is the Glass Half Empty or Half Full?

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Is the glass half empty or half full
A few days left for the new year. How’s your this year? What do you think about the upcoming year? You might wonder why I am asking such questions?!
Well, the reason is asking you the question about the future is that I would like to put some light on the most important trait of life. If your answer is it would be happier, better than this year, or successful then you are an optimistic personality, and if you think that what’s new in this? Years come and go. Life is the same. Then it is not a sign of an optimistic personality. 
Optimistic people always think that whatever their current life or situation, their upcoming lives will be better than this life. They believe “Tomorrow is better than today”. They always think and expect positive things and whatever they do they do it on a positive note. But it is true to say that anything excess is always negative, the same implies here too. Some are excessively optimistic. They think so positively even without understanding the real situation. So, optimism is also should be at a certain level. 
Now the question is that how do you know that a person is an optimist? You may think that why and where one should know that. Let me tell you, in life, we need to take several critical decisions like selecting a life partner, it is necessary to have a positive attitude toward life. Similarly, in the corporate world, when hiring any person majority of the company hire a confident and positive personality even if the candidate is not so strong technically. Even more, while selecting any business partner, the partners have to have an optimistic approach to growing their organization. Name any field, any age and any professional who does not need this trait. Right from doctors to car mechanics and from school-going kids to senior citizens. 
A positive attitude makes a huge difference in life. One can easily handle any type of situation and make the path that leads to success. If you want to know that whether any person is an optimist or not. And even if the optimist then, level of the same such as extreme or less. These all can be analyzed from Handwriting Analysis. From the letter “t” (bar size, position, length, angle), baseline, and 4 types of margins(left , right and top , bottom) the handwriting expert can reveal the truth. 
If any person has some negative traits that may shadow the optimist trait or even seek it then, Grapho-therapy is helpful to get back a positive attitude in life. So, let us end this year on a positive note with help of Grapho-therapist!