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How do you know a person is Acquisitive
Do you know any person who has a habit to buy more and more materialistic objects? Do you know anyone who has an eagerness to get more knowledge? You might feel why I am asking you two questions that do not have any relation. But here there is a common thing in both. What is it? Can you guess? 
The common is “acquisitiveness”. Before understand the difference, let us understand what the meaning of acquisitiveness is? It is a desire a strong desire to possess something. But, it may be related to tangible (materialistic) or intangible things.  
Some people may be acquisitive about materialism and some may be acquisitive about knowledge. Material acquisitive people have a strong desire to possess objects related to routine life. In other terms, such types of people love to acquire materialistic things such as a car, house, clothes, and any objects. 
While, some people may acquisitive about knowledge, ideas and education. This type of acquisitiveness is different from than material one. Such type of people does not want any objects but they have a hunger for knowledge, education, ideas and spiritual and religious knowledge.
For some people, it is a spur of success. Let us see how is it possible? If someone has a strong desire to possess objects that stimulate them to work hard to achieve those. It creates a fire in them so they find ways to achieve the target. And if it is for knowledge then the more they have a hunger for knowledge the more they work on it to satisfy it. 
But, it is not always positive, it is said that “anything in excess is a poison.” The same implies here. Excessive acquisitiveness means possessiveness and that may lead to jealousy. 
Well, how do you know that a person has acquisitiveness or possessiveness or jealousy? The answer is “Handwriting Analysis”. Yes, it can be easily revealed from the handwriting. The initial stroke of any handwriting tells whether the person has acquisitiveness or possessiveness. Even you might feel surprised that it indicates whether is it for materialistic or for knowledge and even how strong the trait is? See the given handwriting sample here. 
To know the detailed profile analysis, the handwriting analyst needs to check the zones of the handwriting, shape and size of the handwriting along with other traits. Even more, if any trait makes a hurdle to the personal or professional journey due to lack or weak positive trait and presence of negative traits then Grapho-therapist help here. After analyzing the handwriting, the grapho-therapist suggest some handwriting exercises that help them to enrich the personality that suits them based on their personal or professional goals. It is a completely customized service.