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Anger Management: Why is it important

When do you get angry? And when do you lose your temper? Can you give the answers? No…are you confused…?!

Well, anger is the most common and basic human emotion as like happiness and sadness. It is a strong feeling of displeasure that gives pain. I hope you have read my previous article about temper and the misconception about anger and temper. We have seen temper. Now in this article, I am going to tell you about Anger.

What causes you to get angry? Anger can be towards any person (if that person did something wrong or done some injustice or inappropriate), any system or society (if someone is a victim of any injustice or inequality) and any event that creates an obstacle to your desire or need. Sometimes, memories of traumatic events and personal problems also cause anger. You might have unique anger triggers. Based on your up brings, experience, background and the world around you develop your nature and personality. Anger trigger is also a part of anyone’s personality. Some outburst the anger emotion while someone keeps everything in his/her head.

Do you know? Anger can be beneficial. Yes, it’s true. It helps one to get a solution to any problem, to protect you (a defensive mechanism) and even motivate any individual. But, it should be utilized correctly. For example, if a person is a victim of injustice and exploitation somewhere then anger encourages the person to take corrective action against injustice. That may bring a change in society. Some may get frustrated and take it negative way and may become violent and do an antisocial activity. That may destroy one’s life.

To understand the level of anger and whether it is positive or negative, handwriting analysis is the tool that gives you a precise evaluation of any trait. In this tool, the handwriting expert analyses the strokes (for anger especially initial stroke), size, pressure, slant, letters (mainly h, l, c, r, b) and traits of your handwriting and give you a precise and accurate truth about yourself. See the sample handwriting.

It is truly said that “Nothing in excess is good”. The same implies Anger as well. Anger should be within the limit. Excessive anger leads to physical and mental health problems like blood pressure, reduce brain efficiency. There are many ways to get rid of excessive anger. However, everyone is questioning the effectiveness and its endurance. So, the best solution to control the anger is Grapho-therapy.

A certain change in the way you write makes a significate change in your neuropathways. That neuro-pathway dilutes the old neuro-pathway and makes a change in your brain functioning. This way your anger will control. But, that is only possible if you consult any handwriting expert. Manage your anger positively and healthily!