google-site-verification=mo4F3hR1iaA_l3FM-nz9FyxTP0HrJiYMu1wuPRTa2W4 Boost Human Resource Efficiency with Insightful Mind

Save on recruitment costs & build amazing work culture through handwriting analysis

Graphology (handwriting analysis) is a great technique to assist the human resource function of an organization. With the help of graphology, a human resource department can improve its efficiency. Not only does graphology helps in recruiting the right talent but also helps in developing a stress-free environment for an organization. Serving as an economical and cost-effective tool to understand a human’s strength and weaknesses, graphology helps HR department in:

Developing a cost-effective & quality-focused recruitment process

Handwriting analysis helps a company in avoiding costly mistakes related to recruitment. By analyzing a person’s talent and inherent strengths at an early stage, a recruiter can understand the person’s ability and see if he/she will fit in an organization. Also, this will ensure that a recruiter chooses the right candidate according to the requirements. This will help in reducing employee attrition rate due to talent mismatch.

Helps in understanding employee potential and improving the promotion process

Using handwriting analysis, a company can actually understand if an employee has the right for skill sets for promotion. Having a clear idea about skills and dedication, HR department can use handwriting analysis to further delve into an employee’s strength to handle new challenges and responsibilities due to promotion. Through handwriting analysis, the company can improve promotion process and reward worthy employees on time, boosting their morale.

Building a stress-free work environment

Handwriting analysis helps to align talent of an employee with organizational requirements. Also, through handwriting analysis of employees, HR can avoid personality clashes and improve the interpersonal relationship between departments and employees. This helps in removing stress and development of healthy work culture.

Improving productivity and building a profitable company

Using grapho-therapy, a company’s HR department can help employees in getting rid of negative character traits that improve their work efficiency. Using workshops and group sessions, HR can focus on changing handwriting of employees that will improve their personality. Ultimately, such an exercise will improve the productivity of departments and company’s profits.

Contact Rajesh Kothari for Graphology Sessions & Improve Workforce Productivity Today!